Sunday, May 29, 2011

Rescue Garage Sale

Yesterday was the garage sale to raise funds for the Horse rescue I volunteer with.  The good news is we raised most of the funds we needed to pay for Bubbles to go back to Cornell to get her jaw worked on [she was kicked and needed her jaw wired, poor girl].  Yippee!

We sold the table and chair set I redid for the rescue, alas I forgot to get a pic of it!

The dog bed had ALOT of interest, just no bites yet.

And here are some pics of the star of the day.  This is Rainbow, a 13+ hh pony available for adoption.
What a GREAT pony!  And I only whined a little bit about wanting her in my field!  So proud of myself!

Just to get the size, these women walking the pony are both 5'11"/6' tall

Look at the freckles on her legs?  Goo!

I came home with a couple items to redo for the next sale.... a corner china cabinet, and another table.  My husband is no longer surprised when we come home with more than we took to these sales!

Pics of these projects coming soon!

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